We use a great app called Church Center to manage our directory. It’s available on most App Stores, or just on the internet. There’s always a link on this website for Church Center under “More…”
To add your information you can use the button below!
Once you’ve been given access to the directory, make sure to share your own information by following the notice at the top (or on the app, the bottom) of the window.
If you are already listed but need to double-check your information I’d recommend using the app, but you can always fill out the form again. If you have any issues or questions regarding the directory, privacy, or other concerns call or email the office and we’ll be glad to help!
A paper phone book is planned for spring 2022
Make it stand out!
Once you’re listed, you can add a photo, add a household photo, and keep your information up to date when something changes. Use the small circle “person” button (often in the top-right corner) to manage your profile.